Choosing Your Work Comp Attorney in San Diego, attorney Part 2

By now, you are well aware of the fact that you do not want to navigate the workers’ compensation system on your own, as we’ve already discussed the reasons why hiring an aggressive attorney is one of the crucial steps of filing for workers compensation

If you reach out to Workers Compensation Attorney Group San Diego, we guarantee that we will introduce you to a competent member of our team – an aggressive workers compensation attorney in San Diego County who has the experience and the expertise you have been looking for. To top it all off, you will not be required to pay for the service unless you receive your workers’ compensation settlement. 

We have also previously discussed the answers to the questions injured workers usually ask, but because there is an inexhaustible supply of challenges you may find yourself facing, we shall now pick up where we left off. 

Is lump sum workers comp settlement taxable?

Under the Workers Compensation Act, the workers’ compensation settlement is not normally considered taxable income, meaning that this money is fully tax-exempt. Still, there are some exceptions to the rule, so you should ask one of our attorneys if this applies to you or not.

Can IRS take workers comp settlement?

The short answer is that it depends. Namely, the IRS cannot place a lien on your work comp benefits, even if you owe any back taxes. However, it can levy or seize the settlement proceeds once the money is in your bank account. Either way, when in doubt, consulting one of our attorneys beforehand is your best course of action.

How long can you stay out on workers comp?

This depends on the severity and the consequences of your work-related injury or condition. You are normally entitled to 104 weeks of work comp benefits in a 5-year period, starting from the date of the injury. In certain cases, workers qualify for as many as 240 weeks of benefits.

Do I have to return to work after workers comp?

This is a complicated question to answer without access to more information. Namely, as a result of their physical trauma, inability to return to the same position or PTSD, many workers are reluctant to return to work.

In reality, workers may be forced to return to work even before they have reached maximum medical improvement or MMI. For instance, your employer and the work comp doctor may think you are ready to go back to work, but you do not feel ready at all. In this case, you could ask for a second opinion. Although it might not make much of a difference, it will buy you some time. Bear in mind that you will need to pay for this independent exam, but the upside is that our attorney will offer you insightful consultation and advise you on your best course of action free of charge, no questions asked. 

If you refuse to go back to work but do not want to undergo the independent examination, this move might cost you your compensation benefits. Yet again, this is when you need to enlist the assistance of a competent attorney to help you negotiate your case. 

The bottom line is that you need to look out for your own best interest and not leave anything to chance. In other words, you need to consult an experienced professional from our team as soon as possible.

Can you lose your job while on workers comp?

Unfortunately, yes. The reason for this is that sometimes employers cannot give returning employees their previous job or pay. In other words, although your employer cannot fire you on the basis of your workers’ compensation claim, they can still fire you nevertheless. This means that you need to have a trusted legal representative by your side, which is where we come in. 

An aggressive workers compensation attorney in San Diego County at your beck & call

Whenever you need a competent, experienced legal representative to give you advice and guidance, whether during the initial discussion of your case, during the process of filing your claim with the State of California’s Department of Industrial Relations or when the time comes for you to visit the district office in San Diego in person, you can turn to us. 

Our helpful team will make sure that nothing falls through the cracks. In a time of confusion when you feel lost and intimidated by what lies ahead, you need someone to handle your case with unwavering professionalism, and you can trust Workers Compensation Attorney Group San Diego to do just that.